Relax your shoulders and unclench your teeth, I know how you feel
and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for you.
The best thing is, it’s really simple.

Trusted by clinicians and psychologists, the ‘54321 Grounding’ technique focuses your mind so that your anxiety and panic doesn’t take control. The Calm Charms are there to help remind you of the steps to calm your mind….


Anxiety Grounding

Reopening Anxiety

I just want to have a quick chat about our brains and how, sometimes, they really aren’t helpful. I’m sure [...]


Panic Attacks

Hey Google, are you a friend or foe?

We’re all guilty of it, I’ve done it more times than I can count. We have weird things happening and [...]


Panic Attacks

Can Anxiety and Panic attacks kill you?

If you’re worried about this, it will be helpful to really understand the physical symptoms that come with a panic [...]



Your brain is an idiot… sometimes.

I just want to have a quick chat about our brains and how, sometimes, they really aren’t helpful. I’m sure [...]


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